DFF series
1.Summarize of DFF series gear unit
1.1 Features:parallel shaft output.structure compact. transmission of lager torque,smooth operation.low noise and lifetime long.
1.2 Installation type:Foot,flange,torque arm.
Output type:Hollow shaft.solid shaft.hollow shaft with shrink disk,spline hollow shaft.
Input type:motor,input shaft and flange
1.3Reducing ratio:two-stage4.3-25.3.three-stage 28.2-273.ratio of the combination is up to 18509.
1.4Average efficiency:two-stage96%.three-stage 94%. andcombination of DFF/DFR85%
2.Structural drawing of DFF series gear unit
2.1Structural diagram
Structural diagram of DFF three-stage helical gear unit
Structural diagram of DFF two-stage helical gear unit
1.Housing 2.The third stage pinion shaft
3.Hollow output shaft 4.The third stage driven gear
5.Casting cover 6.Oil seal
7.The second stage driven gear 8.Bearing
9.The second stage pinion shaft 10.The first stage driven gear
11.Input shaft or motor shaft 12.The first stage pinion